Where you go from thinking about changing your life....

this is the fun part! 

Because let me guess....
Right now you feel stuck and confused, boxed in by stories and expectations, defined by what you've done in the past or what other people want for your future.

But that future in feels sticky, heavy... so not you. 

Or maybe you're totally kicking a** at what you're doing, but a piece of you dies a slow, painful death when you imagine the next 5, 10, 15 years of your life on this path. 

You're burning for something different. 
It's time to pick a new future. To do the thing that's screaming LOOK THIS WAY!

I help you cut through the noise and get over yourself. I help you get clarity on what you want - what you really, truly deep down in your big-kid pants want - and give yourself permission to do the danm thing already. 

The world needs rock-star, genuine people doing kick-ass things and living their lives in meaningful, impactful ways. 

to deciding.



Light the Fire
4 Weeks

You know something is not-quite-right and this is the 4 week kick in the bum you need. This is where you get un-stuck and walk away with a fresh sense of clarity and insight and an arsenal of action steps to keep moving you forward. 

book your intro call


12-Week Transformative Journey


This is where you go from thinking about changing your life to deciding. This is where you put your big kid pants on and step up to the plate. 12 weeks is a no-joke commitment to yourself. You have something unique to share with this world and it's high time you got over you b.s. and started doing it.
I believe in you... do you?  

Book Your Intro Call Here

“Coaching with Selena was like a breath of fresh air. It was way more fun than I thought it would be, and I continue to see evidence of our work together ever over a year after our program ended!” 


good news... you're not the first one!

see what other people are saying

“I loved Selena's warm energy and how she instantly made me feel heard and validated. In just 30 minutes, she was able to deeply understand what I've been experiencing and provide me a better framework for how to approach things moving forward. I especially appreciated her ability to succinctly articulate my situation – she made what initially felt really messy and complicated seem so simple and clear! I highly recommend her — you'd be surprised by how much just 30 minutes with a wise stranger can shed light on whatever you're going through.”

Ashley | Head of Product Design

good news... you're not the first one!

good news... you're not the first one!

see what other people are saying

"I have never really been able to believe in myself before, but after my time with Selena, I can finally say I see my potential. I feel so much more confident in who I am and what I have to offer and I don't let people walk all over for anymore. I feel healthier in my mind and body, and Selena seemed truly invested in my progress. She felt so honest and real, and because of that I felt safe to explore my own perceptions of myself. I feel truly changed after working with Selena.


good news... you're not the first one!

see what other people are saying

“Working with Selena was a wonderful experience! She helped me build a strong foundation that has helped me better approach and overcome the obstacles that come up in life. I feel more grounded and present in almost all of life's situations. I see a huge difference in myself and how I approach situations after working with Selena.”


good news... you're not the first one!

see what other people are saying

“I started working with Selena during a very transitionary time in my life. I was reluctant to reach out because I didn't think I "needed" coaching. In the end it was exactly what I needed. She was able to help me manage my anxiety with tools that I can continue to go back to. The structured sessions with Selena was a practice me to create time and space for myself and not feel guilty about it.”


good news... you're not the first one!

see what other people are saying

Ready to take the leap?

I do free calls. It's low pressure, like chatting with a friend. And if it's not... then we're not a great fit anyways!